The girls finished school at the beginning of June 2009 and on June 6 we moved into our lake house. We've done a lot of work in the past few months including putting down new flooring in the living and dining rooms and doing a LOT of cleaning. We're all really happy in our new home and look forward to many years full of memories here.
The girls both spent time with their dads this summer and had a blast. And on July 4th, I got a wild hair up my butt and decided to take a pregnancy test since I knew that there would be drinking going on at the family's 4th of July party. Well, you can clearly se
We're all very excited. This was something that we weren't really trying to accomplish but we weren't not-trying either. It was more of a "If it happens, then great" kind of thing. Our families are really happy for us and can't wait to meet the newest addition to our little family. The official due date as of right now is March 17th.....St. Patrick's Day!!! At this point I'm 14 weeks along and finally through all of that 1st trimester stuff. Finally getting a little energy back and starting to feel a little more like myself........with a baby inside of I'll do my best to keep everyone updated as things progress.
Okay, so that bring us up to August. Of the wonderful month of August........*sigh*. I turned 30 on the 8th and Steve turned 40 on the 23rd. So, needless to say, it was a big month for us. We're still trying to rec
The girls started school on August 24th. Ryann is now in 2nd grade and Kamri is in Kindergarten. I tried really really hard to get pictures of them on their first day and these are the only relatively decent ones I ended up with. There aren't many to share, but don't our girls look so big!!!! Ryann's teacher is Mrs. Barnes, but we recently got a call letting us know that she'll be moving to a new class beginning next week. The school was lucky enough to be able to add another 2nd grade teacher and Ryann was selected as one of the students moving to her class. Her name is Mrs. Priest. We're hoping that Ryann likes her new teacher as much as she's liked Mrs. Barnes. Lots of good grades coming home with this little one so far!! Yay!!!
Work is going pretty well. I had to take off a considerable amount of time during the last 12 weeks because I just didn't have the energy to work more than a single shift a day. But now I'm working lunch shifts Monday-Friday and that allows me to be home whenever the girls are.......and that's what I've ALWAYS wanted!!!
Steve has been bowling a lot and has even taken up playing golf with my dad a couple of times a week. They really enjoy the time spent together and I'm really happy for him. Other than that, we just kind of take things one day at a time.......cause that's about all I can handle!!!! LOL
I guess that's about it for now. Hope everyone is doing well. I'll try to update this thing again soon and maybe even have some more (better) pics!!!
Love to all,
Melony, Steve, Ryann, Kamri, and baby Merten : )