Living In His Blessings

And Praising Him Every Step of the Way

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Possible time management issues.....

So, I haven't posted an update in a couple of weeks and really the only excuse that I have is that I feel like I have "no time".  Almost everyone in our family has been sick at some point in the past 2 weeks and when that someone is the only other adult capable of helping to care for the non-adults in the family, it makes for a very busy and tired mommy.  There really isn't much to report from the past couple of weeks (which makes me wonder if our lives are a little too boring).....I've been busy working, planning a wedding when I can find the time, and trying desperately to get this house in order.  Steve is working the same schedule as before, which unfortunately means he's gone the majority of the weekend.  The kids are doing pretty well.  We are having some issues with Kamri in school that we definitely need to find some answers to.  We have an appointment with her pediatrician this week and I'm going to be meeting with her school counselor this week (hopefully) as well to find out if we need to look into getting her into weekly therapy sessions.  I will hopefully have some answers to that problem soon.

Ryann is doing pretty much the same as always.  Since the last time I posted, she went to her Daddy Daughter Dance.  You can see pictures from that night here....

Grant is doing well.  He's been struggling with his allergies, so we are giving him medicine everyday and that seems to help at least a little.  He's also learned a couple of new words....thank goodness!  I was starting to think my boy would never speak!

My sister gave birth to Baby #4 on Thursday morning.  Miss Lyla Jane Davis joined our crazy family at 4:41am on February 16, 2012.  This time I was blessed enough to be able to be present.  It was a memory I'll always cherish.

I guess that's about it for now.  I'll try to do better about posting another update soon.
