There's really not much to report right now ~ I just figured it had been a while since I'd posted anything new.
Ryann and Kamri are both doing wonderfully....growing and learning each and every day. There are days that I am just blown away by how incredibly smart they both are. Kamri has FINALLY mastered all of her colors....and can pronounce words that start with the letter "f". Until recently that was a struggle for her. For the longest time feet = peet, phone = pone, and five = pive. But now she's finally got it down! And what does my dad have to say about this?? "Hey, Kamri's saying f-words now"!!!!! Thanks for that, dad!
At this point, we're getting ready for the holiday season ~ trying to make plans with all of the families and for all of the parties! My company Christmas party is on December 2nd....and I'm way excited!! We get to go to the Gaylord Texan again ~ it's so beautiful!
That's about it for now......see, I told you ~ not a lot to report. And now, I'm tired and I want to go home!
Mel : )