I don't really have a good excuse for not keeping this thing updated. I guess there's just been so much going on that I forgot. Not really sure where we last left off, but the girls and I are still in our transition phase. I've been working temp jobs while interviewing for something more permanent. Ryann just got back home after being with her dad for the past month basically. We all missed her SO much and are so very glad she's back home with us. But she had a WONDERFUL time being with her Daddy, Courtney, and Aiden.
Other than that, not much has changed with the girls. They're still growing and learning and amazing me every day with what they pick up. I suspect that's not going to change anytime soon. I, however, have recently started dating someone who's very very special to me. Unfortunately, he had to board a plane to Iraq last night and may not get to come back home until October or later. So, I'm going to miss him terribly. Please remember him and all of the other troops in your daily prayers. They've said that sometimes the only thing that keeps them alive is the prayers that we send up. So.....keep 'em comin!!!
I've got to get some lunch ready for these girls and then we're all going to go out and enjoy the beautiful weather that we've been blessed with today.
Love to all,
Melony, Ryann, & Kamri
PS: I'm going to post some new pics on our new site.....check it out!