Okay ~ normally when I post updates on my blog it's to bring everyone up to speed on the family. Well, this one is going to be a little different. I'm in need of some advice from my friends and I'm hoping that this will be a good way for me to get it.
So, as everyone knows Grant was born 8 days ago......and I'm absolutely in love with this little boy! Just looking at him warms my heart. I mean c'mon.....can you blame me?? Just look at our little man!!
But....here's the deal. I'm going NUTSO sitting in my house everyday!!! I LOVE being able to be here with Grant and taking care of him. But I'm having a little bit of a hard time remembering how to just be me. There are still the daily things that need to me done around here.....cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc. And I'm getting back into being able to do all of those things (after recovering). But, I'm also wanting to start working again. I had GREAT momentum built up with my Mary Kay business and with the birth of Grant, I feel as though that has come to a complete STOP!! I need to get myself back out there making contacts and holding appointments, but honestly I'm afraid of overdoing it and putting myself back several steps in the recovery process. I'm also DESPERATELY ready to start working out......but right now walking to the bus stop to get the girls off the bus in the afternoon wears me out. I guess in this particular situation I'm just expecting too much too soon. I'm frustrating myself because I'm not able to do everything that I would like to be able to do......and I know that I'm probably putting too much on myself.....but I'm just not a sit around the house and do nothing kind of person. And I'm going a little stir crazy!! However, I'm not interested in just leaving my house for the sake of leaving my house.........I'm looking to do something productive!!! I feel like I'm not being productive and it makes me feel awful!
So, this is basically a request for some advice, support, suggestions, tips, or anything else that you all have to offer. I trust all of my mommy friends and would love to hear what you have to say. Don't hold back. I know that this post probably sounded like a lot of whining.......but I'm in need of my girlfriends right now........so there it is.
What do you think?? If you can't comment on this site, just send me a message of facebook or email me at melk8879@yahoo.com.
Thank you all so much for loving me enough to help!!