Wow!! I can't believe that it's already July 4th! It seems like it was just last week when the girls were finishing school and now the stores are already putting out school supplies for the upcoming school year!!! My, how the time flies.
Both of the girls are with their respective dads for the month of July. Kamri left on the Friday before Father's Day and will return on August 1st. And Ryann just left this past Friday. It's definitely a lot quieter around here with just one kiddo to keep us busy. But, I'd swear that he's made the decision to keep us just as busy whether it's just him or not...lol. He's at the age that he's into EVERYTHING and it's sometimes a tiring task just keeping him out of danger and out of the pantry!!! But he's also at the age where he's really learning to express himself using facial expressions and some of the ones he comes up with are just adorable! I took him grocery shopping with me last week and he had a blast! Granted, being able to ride around in the little cop car certainly made the trip a lot more enjoyable for him......and who am I to argue??

A couple of weekends ago we spent a Saturday at Lake Tawakoni State Park with the family celebrating Bapa's 50th Birthday and Father's Day although the two don't fall on the same day. The Dads decided that they wanted to hold off and celebrate the Saturday AFTER Father's Day so that's what we did. We had a wonderful lunch under a huge shade tree where the biggest thing we had to worry about was having the cool breeze blow our food away and then we all had a little "boat therapy". That's what Aunt Jessica has nicknamed it and I think I kinda like it. Gamaw wasn't able to join us on the boat since she's finishing up an intense college course and needed to fit in some extra study time. But doesn't it just look like these two had a blast??
We are all missing Kamri Jay here. I'm very ready for her to be back home and for things to get back to "normal"!!
I'm still couponing and LOVING every minute of it! I absolutely love the challenge it brings into my daily life. Saving money on items that my family uses on a weekly basis is exhilarating!!! I even finally got around to setting up my Couponing website this past week and although it's a work in progress, I'm pleased with the outcome thus far.
Steve and I are still working on things in relationship land. We made it to that 3 year mark and all of a sudden things got hard. I fully believe that Satan is just playing around with both of us because one of the things he hates MOST is two God-fearing, God-loving people in love. But, we will make it through this time and when we come out on the other side a stronger couple, we'll look back and know that the Lord had his hand on us the whole time.
That's about it for us. We stay pretty busy most days. Grant sees to that! Haha!!
Hope everyone else is doing well. I'm still working on getting the literally hundreds of photos that I had on MyPhotoAlbum.com transferred over to the new site, PhotoBucket. It's truly a pain that MyPhotoAlbum decided to shut down......but what can you do about it??
Until next time,
Melony : )