Living In His Blessings

And Praising Him Every Step of the Way

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Happy Birthday, Ryann!!!!

My how the time flies!!! Nine years ago today, I was lying in a hospital bed in College Station, Texas waiting on my first baby girl to join this world. I remember feeling more scared than I had ever been in my entire life....while at the same time feeling more excited than I'd ever been either. We've been through so much together in such a short period of time.

Ryann, you are one of the smartest, most caring little girls that I've ever had the privilege of knowing. And I count myself as blessed to be your Mommy. I know that there will be trying times as you continue to grow and learn, but I am SO exicted to see the woman that you will one day become.....strong, independent, confident, loving, and a true blessing to everyone who knows you. You have made the past nine years so amazing and FUN!!!

I love you with all of my heart, baby!! Happy Happy Birthday!!!

Love, Mommy

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