Living In His Blessings

And Praising Him Every Step of the Way

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Our not so exciting weekend......

This past weekend the girls and I stayed home....they played, I cleaned, and we had some you can see from the pictures, they had A LOT of fun!!! Trust me - these pics do not do justice to the mess that was my house!!

How do two little girls make a mess this BIG in just a matter of minutes!!!!!!!!! Do YOU think my kids have too many toys?!?!?!?! LOL......

PS: New pics are up on our flickr.....

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Can anyone tell me why my child does this?!?!?!

Kamri has decided that she'd rather sleep on the floor than in her bed. No matter how many times I put her in that bed - - I always find her on the floor....and it's not even in the same spot every night.....what a weird kid!

These are the two puppies that we went to look at last night. We just loved both of them!!! And, of course, if I could I would take them both home! But I can't and we had to choose, we took a family poll and the one we chose is......

Charlie Sue!!!! She'll be coming to live with us on Friday and we can't wait!!!

Hope everyone has a great Wednesday!


The girls!! : )

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

School is exhausting!!!

I'm not sure if I can handle 14+ more years of this!! Ryann came home last night pretty much worn out. But she managed to make it through the rest of the evening. We had everyone over for the weekly Family Night Dinner. Hopefully, today was a little less eventful and we can all have a relaxing evening at home. We're expecting some MUCH NEEDED rain this evening. And Dustin, the girls & myself are supposed to go look at a 7 week old lhasa apso puppy that could possibly soon be coming to join our family. More news to come!

Love to all!
Mel : )

Monday, August 21, 2006

Ryann's First Day of School!!!!!

Ryann started school this morning!!! It was an emotional time for us all - well, us parents....Ryann was more excited than anything else! Adam, Courtney, & Aiden made the trip to Greenville as a special surprise for her and went with us to drop her off at school. The adults managed to hold it together pretty well. Ryann really made it a lot easier on us - - because she didn't mind staying at her school even one little bit! When we left she was busy playing with the other students in her class and having a good time. And I was doing really well keeping the tears in check until I looked over at her Daddy and he was starting to tear up!! That's when I couldn't really hold them back any longer. But overall, the morning went very well and I know that Ryann is going to have a GREAT first day of school! I can't wait to pick her up at 3:00 this afternoon and find out how it went!

I personally wanted to say thank you to Adam and Courtney for making the trip here and sharing this special day with really made it even more special!! We love you guys!!!

I'll have pics of Ryann's first day posted soon. So, make sure you check for them!

Love to all!
Melony : )

Friday, August 18, 2006

It's almost here!!!!!

As many of you may have noticed - wait a many can there possibly be that read my blog?!?!?!

But, I I was saying. As you may have noticed, I'm not very good at keeping up with this blog thing! But I'm declaring on this eighteenth day of August 2006 that I'm going to do a better job of keeping the multitude posted!!!!

Ryann starts Pre-K on Monday! I still can't believe that it's already time! We went to "Meet the Teacher Night" last night and met Ryann's teachers as well as many of the other students that she'll be in class with. Her teachers names are Ms. Bell and Ms. Connie. Ms. Bell is the official "teacher" and Ms. Connie is the helper. There is also an intern/student teacher named Ms., I'm sure that you'll be hearing many wonderful things about how these three women are going to tell me how brilliant and beautiful my child is!!! Because I'm going to do better at the posting thing (read declaration above).

Ryann turned 4 on July 13th!!! We had a great time! I still can't believe she's growing so fast. I never believed people when they told me how fast kids grow up.....but it's true.

Kamri is learning new words and phrases each and every day. I think I heard the alphabet song about 17 zillion times last night and I'll be damned if that girl didn't wake up singing it again this morning!!!! But, I encourage....not discourage.....even though I'm about ready to put my head through a wall!!! She's turning out to be as brilliant and beautiful as before mentioned sister. And just the other day I heard her in her room as she was playing belt out "OH...MY.....GOSH......" (said in the voice of Janice from Friends).....and her newest phrase that she likes to use "Mommy, you know what?" It's mind-boggling!

This weekend Ryann will be with her Dad and Courtney and the ever-growing and learning Aiden.....they get to go shopping for shoes. Is it wrong that I'm jealous???? Oh, about the shoes.....not the rest. : )

We're just about all settled in to our new house (which I still don't have pictures of).....and we're LOVING it! We take almost nightly walks around the neighborhood with the girls and our beloved golden retriever Daisy. This is pretty much the best part of my day.

So, as you can see - life is good! We're still searching for a church that feels like "home".....but I'm determined to find one.....or perhaps it will find for thought.

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!! I'll make sure to take lots of pictures this weekend and then hopefully have some to post on Monday!

Love to all!
Melony, Ryann, Kamri, & Daisy the Wonder Pup!!