Living In His Blessings

And Praising Him Every Step of the Way

Monday, October 04, 2010

So Very Blessed

I cannot even BEGIN to express how incredibly blesssed I have felt lately!! With so many negatives going on in the world all the time, it makes me feel so wonderful to know that we have a home to live in, dependable cars to drive, family and friends that love us dearly, and the health we need in order to work.

Grant is 6 months old now and sitting up unassisted!!! He's getting so big. He's made it up onto all fours and is rocking back and forth.....he'll be crawling in no time!! Still no teeth at this time, but we don't mind waiting on those!! He's such an awesome little guy....full of smiles and laughter all the time!! It's funny that everyone who sees him is very adamant on who he favors most.......and the answer is always People either think he is a complete clone of Steve or they think he looks just like me........which do you think??

Ryann started third grade this year and she is enjoying school. I don't think that I can honestly post that she "loves" school anymore because she has now reached the age that she could probably take it or leave it and the main reason she wants to go (most days) is to see her friends. Haha!! However, she is doing excellent in all of her subjects and is learning more and more all the time. We are definitely going to have her tested for GT this year. I feel confident that she'll pass with flying colors. This is a picture of her on the first day of third grade.

This year Kamri started 1st grade and we have been SO impressed with how much she has grown and changed over the past year. Last year it was a constant struggle to keep her behaving in school. This year......a complete 180!! In the first six weeks of school she has only had ONE oops moment and will end the first six weeks with a citizenship grade of 99!!! Everyone who talks to her can see how much she's grown up and comments to us all the time how well behaved, polite, and smart her and her sister both are! It makes me feel SO good to hear these compliments since for many years I was a single Mommy and worked hard to teach them good manners! LOL.... Kamri has also done extremely well academically this year. And we are going to have her tested for GT classes when the time rolls around as well! They are both so very smart! I just LOVE listening to them talk to each's so entertaining. Here's a pic of Kamri Jay on the first day of school!!

The girls also started Tumbling classes in preparation for Cheer last week and they had a blast. I'll take some pics this week when we go and post them online.

I guess our blog update wouldn't be quite complete without also giving an update on myself and Steve. We are doing great!! We've been attending church at Family Fellowship in Greenville since December of last year and just recently have made some awesome new friends!! We both really enjoy attending church there and can't wait to see how many MORE friendships the Lord is going to bless us with!!
Steve is still bowling travel league/tournaments several weekends a month and has just recently started giving private lessons and he LOVES it!! I've been telling him for a couple of years now that he needs to coach....but does he ever listen to me?? LOL He's also still playing golf a couple of days a week and enjoys getting outside away from all of the hustle and bustle and being with "the guys". He's getting a lot better at golf too according to my Dad and several of the other guys he plays with. He's actually played in several tournaments recently and has some championships to brag about! Whoo-hoo!!!

I'm still working and growing my Mary Kay business. My goal is to be on target for that Career Car by this December and to be in qualification to be a Sales Director!!! That's a pretty HUGE jump in my career so it's going to take some hard work and LOTS of prayers to get me there!! I've also been exercising everyday......walking/jogging 3 miles a day and working on losing the rest of this baby weight plus some!! I'm starting to see real results and that makes me a very happy camper! Go me!!! I love the fact that I get to be a "work from home" mommy now. I'm not missing out on any firsts with Grant and that's so valuable to me!! I highly recommend it to all!

Well, I guess that's about it for now. I'm currently in the process of uploading new pics on our website as well, so check those out when you have time.

Hope everyone is doing great and living in God's richest blessings!!

Melony & the fam