Living In His Blessings

And Praising Him Every Step of the Way

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The reason....

So, anyone who actually uses this blog as a means of staying "in the know" about me and the girls is probably wondering why I haven't updated in A LONG TIME!! The answer is simply this......there has been absolutely NOTHING going on with us. I'm still jobless....still searching for employment. The girls are once again staying at home with me during the day while I try to find a job. And to be honest with you, I think we're all getting a little spoiled sleeping in every day. Well, everyday except the past three days. Kamri has decided to wake up unusually early everyday this week...I mean we're talking like 6:00-6:30 every morning. And yesterday she wasn't feeling well. She had an unexplained fever all day ~ which we fought with medicine and she woke up this morning feeling much better (no fever). Other than that, there's not a whole lot going, we lead an exceptionally exciting life.

But, regardless I wanted to let everyone know that we're still here....still chugging along.

Love to all,

1 comment:

The Honeycutt Family said...

Poor thing! Glad she's feeling better. The kids SURE DO miss her and asked about her all week this week and last and tonight. They cannot WAIT to see her soon! Have her call Friday night if you can? We have Alyssa and they would love to talk to her since it's been a while. Your life sounds about as exciting as ours currently. It's nice to have a break every once in a while though, huh? :-)