Living In His Blessings

And Praising Him Every Step of the Way

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Ryann brought home her first report card on Monday. And, of course, she's doing extremely well!!! She's excelling in EVERYTHING! I'm so very proud of her. I tried to scan a copy of her report card to post it, but haven't been successful yet.

ALSO, Ryann has learned how to tie her shoes!!!!!!!!!! This is HUGE!!! I mean, this is one of the milestones in life! Right up there with learning how to spell her own name and learning how to drive!!! And what's even more amazing is that we haven't even really worked on it very much.......she just picked it up so fast!!!

Those are the two biggest things so far this week for Ryann. I'll let you all know if she starts multiplying large numbers or reciting Shakespeare!! LOL!!

Melony & Ryann (Miss Smarty Pants)


Jessica Davis said...

I am so proud of Ryann. Kamri looks so cute with Mr. Chucky. Congrats on your job. No stress.

Adam and Courtney said...

How did the girls make out for Halloween? Did they have a wondeful time?? Give Ryann a BIG hug and kiss from us all. We miss them SO much!

The Honeycutt Family said...

Updates on the girls? Pics of the holidays?

Unknown said...

did you totally give up on your blog and posting pictures?????