Living In His Blessings

And Praising Him Every Step of the Way

Friday, July 18, 2008

A look at the past year....

Wow! I didn't realize that it had been almost an entire year since I had last posted anything. SO MUCH has happened that I would never be able to update you on everything. So, I'll just hit the high points and let you all know what's going on with us currently.

Ryann finished Kindergarten this year. She did extremely well and had EXCELLENT grades throughout the whole year. She's really looking forward to starting 1st grade in the fall. Right now she's spending the summer with her Dad. She plays soccer during the summer. And, from what I hear, she loves it. We celebrated her 6th birthday last weekend! Man, I can't believe my baby girl is six years old!!!! Ummmmm......she read her very first book a couple of months ago. Dr. Seuss's - Green Eggs & Ham. That book's like 64 freakin pages long!!!! GO RYANN!!!

Kamri is also currently spending time with her Dad. She'll be starting Pre-K in the fall and she can hardly wait!!! Both of my girls are ready to completely forgo summer and start going to school right now!! But I'm sure as soon as school starts they'll be ready for summer!

As for me, I'm working at the DB's Sports Grill and Bowling as a Manager/Bartender. I've also started bowling. I'm sure this is in part due to the fact that I've started dating a professional bowler. But, truth be told, I really enjoy it and am really glad that it's something he and I can share in together.

On a more personal note, for anyone who's interested........I'm really glad that I've finally met someone who I feel can fill the gap that I've had in my life for so long. He makes me want to be a better person.......he makes my heart smile........and I'm so very happy.

Okay, well, I'm sure that I missed SO much! But, come on, I can't remember everything that's happened in the past YEAR!!!

Seriously, I'll do better with the posts. Scouts honor!!

Mel : )

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