First off, we droped off Ryann. Her teacher's name is Mrs. Clark and thusfar Ryann seems to really like her class.
She (of course) came homes with a "green" for Monday. For anyone who doesn't know, this means that she didn't get in trouble and had no other problems that day. On Tuesday, same, well you get the picture. This is pretty much what I expect from Ryann the entire year.
One exciting thing starting for Ryann this year is her enrollment in a SPECIAL music program at her school. It's called Suzuki Strings......Ryann's going to learn to play a violin. It also requires a lot of parent involvement. I have to attend classes every Thursday night for the next six weeks. And every week thereafter, I'll be attending Ryann's private lessons on Wednesday mornings. She wasn't really sure what she thought of all of this until she heard Mr. Holden (instructor) play "Twinkle, twinkle little star" on his violin. Her eyes became the size of saucers!! So, we're really excited to get started! More to come on Ryann's progress in the first grade!
Kamri is attending Pre-K at L.P. Waters. She's been waiting for this for 2 years (basically since Ryann started school). However, before she could actually attend her first class, she had to have a physical and a few shots. This was not pleasant. She had to have 4 shots. And when we left she told me "I am SO DONE with those shots!" Yeah.....she's four! The good news is that she is in the 50th percentile for her weight (average) and in the 90th percentile for her height (way above average)......and she got a completely clean bill of health from the doctor. So, we were off to school. 
Kamri's teacher is Mrs. Moyston. And I was a little dismayed to hear from her when I picked up Kamri on the first day of school that "Kamri doesn't like to walk in line and Kamri doesn't like to follow directions". But, we're working on those things and hopefully the rest of the school year will go much more smoothly. I'm looking into enrolling Kamri in dance or gymnastics.....we haven't decided which one yet.
Also, I've signed both of the girls up for the youth bowling league at my work. They'll be bowling on Saturday mornings starting September 13th. I'm hoping that it's something that they'll enjoy. They love going up to mommy's work and bowling......I'm hoping that continues when it's in a more structured setting.
More pics posted on our website.......since blogger doesn't really like me that much! Lol....
Love to all,
Melony, Ryann & Kamri
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