Sunday evening I met Ryann at American Girl Dallas where she was able to complete her birthday gift for this year. We had her doll's hair styled. For $21, I watched them spray, brush, and then style this doll's hair. And while we waited our "turn", Ryann and I shared a Chocolate Molten Cake. Hopefully it was a fun experience for Ryann. I wanted it to be special for her. But, I can honestly say, I don't think I'll be paying $21 again for someone to provide a stylish new "do" for this (or any other) doll. We've decided that it'll be more fun to try out new hairstyles at home from now on. 

The majority of my Monday was spent driving down to Houston to pick up Kamri from her dad's house where she had been for the previous 6 weeks. It was of course a long drive, but well worth every second. While Kamri was down there she was finally referred to an orthodontist who said it's time to start her treatment. So, in the very near future Kamri will have braces put on a few of her teeth and we will begin the road to her oral perfection (ha!). More to come on that topic later I'm sure.
Tuesday we had an appointment with the Hunt County ECI ladies. I was slightly nervous about this appointment, as was Steve. But overall I'd say it went very well. Back in June, when we went to see Dr. Lay for Grant's 15 month well-child check she noticed that he wasn't able to speak very many words and it was mildly concerning to her. I myself had not noticed because I figured that children just start talking when they're good and ready. However, she referred us to the Hunt county Early Childhood Intervention group. She said it wasn't anything to be strongly concerned about at this time, but she'd like for them to assess him just to make sure that he's learning and developing properly. So, Tiffany and the ladies came out to assess my boy. And their report was as I expected. He's actually AHEAD of his age developmentally in every area EXCEPT the number of words that he's able to say. Me.....I just think he's being He's gotten so used to having myself and two older sisters provide him with anything and everything he needs before he even has to ask. So, that's something we are learning to work on. He'll be assessed again in a couple of months and in the meantime, we're teaching him to speak.
Wednesday finally rolls around and although in my opinion we've already been busy enough to last us the rest of the week.....there's still more to do. Greenville Carpet came and installed the new carpet in the hallway and the kid's room......something I've been looking forward to for months now! And I'm SO pleased with how it turned out. But let me tell you........Wednesday was a crazy day for us. Certain areas of our house looked like we had either just moved in or had a severe case of! Cleaning everything out of the kids' room and moving it all into the pool table room made for a huge mess (albeit an organized mess). Plus, it took the installers longer than I had expected to lay the carpet so my poor kids were bored ALL day. See, not only did they not have a bedroom to play in but they also couldn't play outside since the temps have been in the 104-110 range for about 2 weeks straight now. So, as terrible as it is, my kids spent the better part of the day in the nice air conditioned living room watching movies. But, honestly I don't know of any other way to keep them out from under foot and entertained. Soo......we dealt with it the best we could. And to be quite honest, the worst part wasn't the kids being was having my 16 month old son desperately need a nap and me having nowhere to put him where he could safely sleep. That's where my nerves started to fray.......but we all survived and our house is one step closer to being "complete". is it only Thursday??? I spent THREE HOURS at Rockwall Dodge getting my truck serviced. Last month I came across a deal on Groupon where for only $24 you could receive an oil change, state inspection, and car wash for your vehicle. This came at a PERFECT time since my inspection was expiring in August and my truck was a tiny bit (3000 miles) overdue for an oil change. So, I snatched that deal up quick!! But, I did have to sit and wait in the customer service waiting area for 3 hours while my truck was enjoying it's spa day. Again, a long long long LONG wait......but worth every penny! Afterward I drove my newly cleaned and running like new truck over to Kroger and did the grocery shopping for our family. This week I was able to purchase ALL of my family's grocery and personal needs for just under $33. And that feels great! See more about that at
Friday, oh how I love thee.......not a lot to report for Friday.....I was finally able to get my eyebrows waxed (and realized that it had been close to 9 months since my previous appointment...what?!).....this was something I've been looking forward to for about a month now, so it felt GREAT to rid myself of that unwanted pesky hair. Then the girls and I had lunch at Subway with my mom and headed back home to wait for the text from Adam letting me know he was ready to meet me to pick up Ryann. Believe it or not, that's the extent of my Friday.......boring, I know.
So here we are now.....Saturday morning......sipping coffee and browsing the online deal websites that I follow. Getting ready to "prep" for my shopping this week. While it may not sound like much to's one of the highlights of my week. I <3 saving money!!!
It's definitely been a busy week for us. And next week looks like it's going to be jam-packed as well. LOTS of thing to finally get off my To-Do list, school shoe shopping (hopefully), and a trip to the local library for the kiddos. I'm looking forward to a productive week!! And if all goes as planned, we might even get to hang out with some family friends tonight and go bowling! Whoo-hoo!!!!
Hope everyone has had a blessed week!!
Love to all,
Melony & The Fam : )
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