Living In His Blessings

And Praising Him Every Step of the Way

Friday, September 15, 2006


I seriously thought this weekend was NEVER going to get here! I'm so ready for a break....

On Tuesday night, Ryann and Kamri came running into my room at about 11:00 PM telling me that "Kamri broke something"....okay, several thoughts went through my head.
1) Is it already 6:00AM?
2) Was I dreaming when I checked to see if the girls were asleep at 9:00?
3) Has Kamri learned to fly??
4) What's broken and who's bleeding??

See, Kamri has a babygate at the entrance to her bedroom door because she has a tendency to get up in the middle of the night and wander aimlessly about the house. But, when Ryann was asked how Kamri was able to overcome this obstacle it became much more evident that this was a joint effort. The answer I got - - "I got a stool for her to stand on". So, the answer to #3 is, no, Kamri hasn't learned to fly - - she's figured out how to get over the babygate with the help of before mentioned big sister....Kamri's such a conniving little thing.

So, I'm stumbling zombie-like through the house, following the girls to the "broken flower thing". We arrive at the bathroom and suddenly I'm VERY AWAKE. That tends to happen when you step into cold water. The girls had been playing in the bathroom and had flooded the floor with soapy water - water which also contained shampoo, and lotion. There was water on the floor, the counter, in the tub, the trashcan, and on every other surface in sight. Needless to say, I was pretty lit.

So, after cleaning up this mess and sternly getting on to the girls, I'm trying to get them into clean/dry pj's, and I go into Ryann's room only to guessed it - more water!!!!!! ON THE CARPET, ON THE BED, ON THE NIGHTSTAND, IN THE DRAWERS!!! Oh, I screaming?!?!?!

Long story semi-short is this: We cleaned up the mess, we got to bed late, we overslept, missed the bus and were all grumpy the next day, and we've hopefully learned our lessons.

Advice to all: MAKE SURE THE KIDS ARE ASLEEP!!!!!!!!

The End.

PS: The "broken flower thing" was a soap-dish that Ryann got for her you thought I'd forget to explain that one! : )


Adam and Courtney said...

LOL! Ryann has done this type of thing here too. She is SO sneaky about it. She has managed to get into the bathroom and make a mess while I'm AWAKE, and her bathroom backs up to our living room.... explain that! Sounds like a nice restful weekend is in order!!

The Honeycutt Family said...

Thanks for the heads up! We'll definitely be extra aware/cautious at night now! May just invest in our own little gate and hide the stepping stools! lol