Our holiday celebration started this year on Christmas Eve with dinner and gifts at the Merten house. Unfortunately, this year it was just myself and Steve representing our little family. The girls were still with their respective dads. We had a yummy yummy dinner and presented Steve's family (Dad, Brother Jim, SIL Belinda, and nephews Trev
On Christmas morning Steve and I were able to sleep in until about 10:30..........mmmmmm.......that was nice!!! But, we eventually started getting the inevitable "Merry Christmas" text messages from our friends and family that signaled that it was time to start the day. So, we got up, got showered and dressed and headed over to my parent's house - which, by the way, happens to be about 4 minutes from our own........NICE!!! My dad invited Steve out to play golf and my mom and myself were going to go out to the Greenville hospital to check on my grandmother. Since none of you actually know what's going on there here's the lowdown in a hurry........about 3 weeks ago my grandmother who lives a little North of Hillsboro, fell and broke her hip......she laid in her own house on the floor for about 18 hours before anyone thought to go check on her.......poor Grandma........but then was immediately (HA!) rushed to the nearest hospital where she was treated most urgently (to be read "it took another 11 hours!!!"). Fortunately, she was admitted and underwent surgery to repair her hip.....and was then transferred to the Greenville hospital so that she could be closer to us.......
So, back to where we were........Grandma is recovering nicely and should be released from the hospital on Tuesday, at which time she will be going to live with my sister until she's completely better and ready to be let out on her own.......lol. Steve and Dad played golf and had a great time, and after our visit at the hospital, mom and I started cooking for the family Christmas dinner. Everyone showed up about 6:00 and we enjoyed a WONDERFUL dinner of ham, mashed potatoes, and some yummy but still healthy veggies. Afterward, we had a gift exchange and proceeded to clean up the house......never fun!
By the time Steve and I returned home, we were exhausted........but we had no idea what exhaustion still awaited us!!!!
This morning we woke up at 7:00, showered and dressed, and headed out the door to make the 4 hour trip to Conroe to pick Kamri up from her Dad's house. Trip do
So, here is where our story gets a little hectic.......but hopefully, the pictures will tell the story for me........the gist of it is that all of my family made a special trip to our house in order to be present when Ryann and Kamri opened all of their gifts and we had ANOTHER Christmas!!! I'm posting pictures from our Christmas tonight - and tomorrow you'll be able to see the rest! It'll take me until then to get them all posted.......but the girls had a wonderful Christmas, both with their dads and with us and we all feel o
So, here's to all of our friends and family.......we hope you all had a wonderful and blessed Christmas this year, just as we did. We love you all and wish you a Very Merry Christmas!!!
Steve, Melony, Ryann & Kamri : )
Merry Christmas! We had a wonderful Christmas with Ryann, and from the looks of it so did you! Give that big girl a hug and kiss from us. Enjoy the rest of '08 and have a happy New Year!
Adorable pics! Glad Kamri had such a good Christmas! Can't wait to see her again soon! She is SOOOO excited she's going to be a big sister for the very 1st time! Keep us posted on any big events she has and keep sending those pics and updates! :-)
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