Sunday, August 28, 2011
The end of the hottest summer ever.....
As for us this probably seemed like a bit of a boring week for my kids. They started school on Monday and therefore each evening was devoted to trying to get us all back into the school time routine. Early mornings, early dinners, and early bedtimes. And we made it to school on time everyday!! For more info on the first day of school, see previous post.
Steve bowled in the Greenville PBA Regional yesterday and came close but didn't make the final cut. You win some and you lose some, I guess. This morning was his first soccer game with his new team.......and I hear it didn't go all that well either. Rough weekend for Steve. Poor guy.
Other than that we literally didn't do much of anything at all this week. Not sure what this next week has in store for us......more to come later.
Love to all,
Melony : )
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
The start of something new.....

Sunday, August 21, 2011
My Plans Destroyed........Blegh!
The past seven days have gone by in a literal blur. So many of my carefully thought out plans did NOT go as I intended them to.......and although I am, by nature, the type of person who doesn't adapt to changed plans well, sometimes you just have to let it go and realize that it's not the end of the world. But, trust me......this wasn't an easy week. It seemed that everytime I planned something......God put me in my place.
Ryann and Kamri both ended up spending the better part of the past week with their fathers. And quite honestly that kind of threw a kink in my "plans", but I did my best to roll with the punches. Both girls had appointments with their respective orthodontists. And above all else, I am glad that they won't have to miss any school for at least the first few weeks. Kamri had her appliance installed (that sounds so it's flooring for her mouth or something...) and Ryann had a routine visit where they tightened her braces and she got to pick out new colored bands for her brackets. I can't believe we've already reached the stage where both of my baby girls will be in the same time!!!!
There was SO much to do this week, and unfortunately I didn't accomplish nearly as much as I would have liked. But, hopefully the start of a new school year will bring with it the return of our dearly beloved (by me, if no one else) schedule.
To be honest, there wasn't really much to brag about this week. I have planned for the majority of the summer to take the kids to a local waterpark right before school was to start again. So, on Tuesday morning we all got up, took care of breakfast and got dressed and packed up to head out for some fun in the sun. My parents had both taken a day off work and were meeting us at the park to surprise the girls. It was going to be loads of fun! Unfortunately, I received a phone call from my mom when we were about 20 minutes out informing me that the park was CLOSED for cleaning! Are you kidding me??? This was the ONLY day we had left to enjoy any type of activity as a family before the girls left for the week/weekend......I was very upset (and that's putting it mildly). But fortunately, my mom has an amazing day-saving friend who lives in Rockwall who just happens to have a pool that she was more than willing to let us borrow for the day. SOOOO, I guess not all was lost in the end. The kids definitely would have enjoyed the waterpark more.....but we were all happy to be able to spend some quality family time together swimming and laughing.
Then, I planned a date night for myself and Steve on Saturday evening before the girls were to come home......we planned on seeing The Change Up. Little did I know when making these plans that God had other plans for We arrived at the theater and saw a sign informing us that "Due to Technical Difficulties with the Projector, The Change Up would not be showing until further notice" much for my plan of a much needed laugh-fest. We ended up seeing Captain America instead.......which was a good movie. But it was definitely no laugh-fest. I figure this just means Steve owes me another date night! :)
I think the Lord has been trying to get a message across to me all week. It goes something like this......"Melony, you are not in control.......get over it!"
I get it Lord.......and I'm trying.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Another one bites the dust…….another week that is…..
How in the world have we already made it to Saturday night??? It seems like I was just updating this blog and then I blinked, and now 7 days have passed and I'm sitting here again. Jeesh!
This past week hasn't actually been too bad schedule wise. We had a couple of activities/appointments planned that had to be re-scheduled. And things didn't start to get hairy until just yesterday. The girls and I have enjoyed spending a lot of time together this week. And I'm amazed by them every day. They are growing up so fast sometimes I feel like I can barely keep up.
Today everyone met at my parent's house to celebrate mine and Steve's birthdays. Mine was on the 8th, of course, and his is on the 23rd of this month. With the generally crazy busy schedules of everyone in my family and the start of a new school year being dumped on top of THAT… made more sense to get together this weekend. We had a yummy lunch and some homemade (from scratch) carrot cake cupcakes with white chocolate cream cheese frosting (which were quite delish if I do say so myself). Then Steve left to go bowl in the Plano Super Bowl Regional…..a yearly tradition at this point. Unfortunately, he didn't make the cut this year but I guess the only way to look at it is……you win some and you lose some. The Lord always has plans for bigger and better things for his children.
Tomorrow is going to be kind of a lazy day I'm hoping…..because next week is going to be insane. LOTS of fun things planned for this little family. More to come on that.
That's really about all for this week. Right now I'm planning out next week's menu and making out my to-do list. It's a little long…..but I work better under pressure, so I'm hoping for a very productive week.
And now……..more planning!!
Melony : )
Saturday, August 06, 2011
Finally all are home!