Living In His Blessings

And Praising Him Every Step of the Way

Sunday, September 11, 2011

New Changes

It's almost very hard for me to believe how much can change in just the short span of 7 days. Last Sunday I was sitting in my living room watching the Aggies kick some SMU hiney (Whoop!) and today I'm preparing to start a new job first thing tomorrow morning. Can I just say Wow!

So, as I'm sitting in the pick-up line at Kamri's school on Tuesday afternoon I received a call from a woman named Jill from Foresight Financial in Rockwall/Heath. She apparently came across my resume on (a resume I uploaded several months ago in the ridiculous hope that it would bring some results….lol). We spoke for several minutes on the phone and then she asked me if I was available to come in to her office the following day for an interview. I of course said "yes". So on Wednesday afternoon I drove to her office for my interview, not really knowing what to expect and I walked out of there with a brand new job! I can still hardly believe it myself. The most amazing part is that the 4 other women that I'll be working with everyday are women of strong faith who aren't afraid to share Jesus with the world!! What an unbelievable blessing! I'll be an Administrative Assistant making a decent salary (actually a GOOD salary considering the job market) working for an amazingly nice woman. I'm so excited!!!

Of course, this change will bring about lots of other little changes for everyone else as well. I'll no longer be a stay-at-home-mommy, and this is something I can't let myself think about for too long, otherwise I start to get pretty emotional. I won't be available to pick up the kids from school (Steve has taken on the job of doing this as well as staying home with Grant). But in the long run, I think this is going to bring some wonderful things for my family. And I'm sure there will be lots more to come on that subject later.

Now, on to another subject. Both of the girls are doing well in school. We are already 3 weeks in (about to start the 4th week) and they are adjusting well. Both Ryann and Kamri like their teachers and their classmates. But, of course, they like recess, P.E., art, and library more than anything else…..LOL. I think that's to be expected. In just 3 short weeks I'll be posting report card grades for the first six weeks.

Grant is doing really well, too. He's starting to talk (babble) a lot more every day. There are several words that he's able to say consistently but my favorite is definitely "sissy"…'s the cutest thing ever! I'll have to try to get him on video saying some of his favorite words because it's almost impossible to explain. And the boy is growing like a little weed! He is already towering over his cousin, Wyatt, who is 3 weeks older than him. It's a little surprising that Grant is as tall as he is since neither Steve nor I are unusually tall. But this boy just might pass us both up one day! Guess we'll see.

It's almost the middle of September and I am pleased to say that I've already started our Christmas shopping this year and am really excited to see the looks on the kids' faces when they see some of the gifts I've picked out. Halloween is next month along with Kamri's birthday. Thanksgiving will be right behind it, followed by Christmas and New Year. I love fall and winter and all of the holidays that come with it!!! But this year, I think I'll be most thankful for the cooler temperatures! This summer has been brutal!

That's about it for now. I'm sure that there are LOTS of things that I'm forgetting, and I apologize, but my mind is a little bit distracted today. Still have a lot left on my to-do list and not sure where I'll find the time to do it all. Pray for me!


Love to all,


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