Living In His Blessings

And Praising Him Every Step of the Way

Friday, September 22, 2006


There are times as a parent when your child says something that just absolutely blows you away! ONE of those times for me was last night.

Ryann and I were sitting on the couch talking about her day and what she had done while at school. And we were talking about something that her teacher had said to that point she turned to me and said, "Actually, Ms. Bell didn't say that - she said.......". Sorry, I can't tell you what came out of her mouth after that because I got hung up on the "actually" child is 4 years old and she's already using the word "actually"!!!! I'm sure that this isn't the first time that she has used this word (and in the correct context at that!!!) - but it was the first time I have heard her! And, since then, she's said it several more times.

Lesson learned??? Ryann listens - - - and understands a lot of what is said to/around her!!!

We're really looking forward to this weekend. Not that we have much going on - but we tend to really cherish the weekends when the three of us get to spend time together!! Hope everyone enjoys theirs!!


Adam and Courtney said...

She is SO amazing! Honestly she blows me away everytime I talk to her. She is just so "grown"

You're right she dose listen, and she DOES NOT forget!

Hope you three have an amazing weekend! I know how much she loves getting to spend time with you and Kamri!

The Honeycutt Family said...

Kamri is next! Beware! :-) She also picks up on ANYTHING you say and if she gets a response out of you - she runs with it and does it many times! It's cute though! :-)

My Little Family said...

I know.....she's so smart! Wait till you guys see her again! She's learned so much since last time! She'll blow you away!

The Honeycutt Family said...

Looking forward to it. Her and Coby are going to have their b-day parties on the 7th. That should be eventful! Hopefully the nice weather sticks around that long!