Living In His Blessings

And Praising Him Every Step of the Way

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Election Day

As a parent, you sometimes find yourself completely amazed at the actions of your kids. I had a moment such as this today. As some of you may know Ryann is now in 1st grade. Well, today when I picked her up from school she informed me that she voted for a president. I thought she was referring to an election in which they chose school leaders (student body president, treasurer, etc.). At first, I was a little confused because I don't remember participating in school politics as early as first grade. But then, I'm sure there are a lot of things we DON'T remember about being 6 years old. So, I asked her who she voted for. And I'll be damned if she didn't say proudly "John McCain. And he WON! Needless to say, I was stunned!!! So after I regained my composure, we talked about the election and she informed me that the most of the kids in her class voted for John McCain. Well, as you all know by now, Senator McCain did not win our national election. But, by golly, he sure was a winner at Bowie Elementary that day!!!!

Love to all, Us

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