The girls didn't have school the week of Thanksgiving so we were blessed with an entire week together!!!! Since I've discovered that I am a whiz at baked goods, I offered to bake several desserts for the Thanksgiving feasts (both at my parent's house and Steve's dad's house). Well, lo and behold - I woke up at 4:30 Wednesday morning terribly sick. I was very very fearful that I wouldn't get ANY baking done in time for Turkey Day. But, after spending half of the day in bed with Steve taking care of me, I was able to finally make it up and start moving around (thank goodness!!!). I still wasn't feeling very confident that I'd be able to get much done in the way of baking, but I was hopeful.
Ryann helped me make the pumpkin pies and the lemon cakes. She had SO much fun!
Luckily when I woke up Thursday morning I was feeling like myself again. Which was a really good thing because I had some more baking to do!!! But, once everything was ready to go it was time to head out. We met Steve and Kamri out at the lake house where we had lunch with the Merten family.
After lunch, we all headed back to Greenville to enjoy Thanksgiving dinner with my family.......MORE TURKEY!!! Unfortunately, I didn't get any pics while we were at my mom's house.........sorry folks. I dropped the ball on that one. That evening, after dinner the six "kids" (Me, Steve, Jessica, Thomas, Brittany, & Josh) decided to play a friendly game of Buzz Word. And, OF COURSE, we decided to play "boys vs. girls". Well, as I'm sure you can all guess - - - -the girls WON!!! Heehee......I love winning. That game is addictive! Before I knew it the clock read 10:30 and we still had the kitchen to clean!!! YUCK!
So, fastforward to Friday morning - 4:00 AM FRIDAY morning!!! Steve and I dragged our exhausted butts out of bed and dressed for the Black Friday specials at our local Wal-Mart Superstore...........WHAT WERE WE THINKING?? This being my first Black Friday experience I quickly realized how very very much I had to learn! There were grown men and women literally fighting over Barbie Jeeps and Guitar Heroes!!!! Are you kidding me?!?!?! Lesson learned from this experience???? Either don't go ~ or be prepared!!!!!
We finished our shopping and took our worn out bottoms back to our warm safe bed........but man, that made for a really long day!
I think that's about it for this week. Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
After that, all I can say is "Christmas, here we come!" The month of December promises to be very busy for us! We have Christmas parties, ballet recitals, violin performances to attend, shopping and wrapping to, I'm tired just thinking about it all! LOL.
More updates soon to come! Love to all!!!!!
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