Living In His Blessings

And Praising Him Every Step of the Way

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Okay, okay...

So, it should come as no big surprise that I'm terrible at remembering to  post updates to our family blog.  And to be honest, I'm not 100% sure  if it's because there's too much going on......or not enough that I think is worthy of posting. 

Nah, it couldn't be that last one.

So here is a quick update on us.  I'm currently in the process of creating a new blog page for our family, so this should all be changing pretty soon.  The kids start homeschool in one week and we are all really excited.  I think I'm also a little nervous.....but mostly excited.

Grant is still growing and learning.  He's unfortunately still behind on his speaking, so we are starting speech therapy with him this week.  The confusing part of this is that he is at a 3 year old level when it comes to his receptive communication (how he understands what we say to him) and only at an 18 month old level for his expressive communication (how he speaks to us).  Needless to say, we are hoping to quickly close that gap and start making some progress very soon.

Not much is new with Steve or myself.  He's still working and bowling and I'm still doing the stay at home mommy thing (which I LOVE).  Who would've stay at home mommy!!

Okay, I know it's short but that's about it for now.  More to come soon   (I hope).


Monday, June 04, 2012

Holy Cow!!

I can't believe it's been 4 months since my last post!  I guess all I can really say is that working full time and planning a wedding does NOT leave time for anything else!  It's crazy!  But now that we are finally past the wedding and I'm a stay at home mommy again, I should have more time to update our family blog. 

What I can say is that, other than the wedding and the normal school/work activities, not a whole lot has been going on with us.  That probably makes us seem really really boring, but it's the truth.  Haha.....

I'm really excited to get back into couponing and being at home with the kids.  We are starting homeschooling in the fall, so I'm sure that I'll be pretty absorbed in planning for that. 

So, there you have it.....that's about it for now.

More soon,
Melony : )

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Possible time management issues.....

So, I haven't posted an update in a couple of weeks and really the only excuse that I have is that I feel like I have "no time".  Almost everyone in our family has been sick at some point in the past 2 weeks and when that someone is the only other adult capable of helping to care for the non-adults in the family, it makes for a very busy and tired mommy.  There really isn't much to report from the past couple of weeks (which makes me wonder if our lives are a little too boring).....I've been busy working, planning a wedding when I can find the time, and trying desperately to get this house in order.  Steve is working the same schedule as before, which unfortunately means he's gone the majority of the weekend.  The kids are doing pretty well.  We are having some issues with Kamri in school that we definitely need to find some answers to.  We have an appointment with her pediatrician this week and I'm going to be meeting with her school counselor this week (hopefully) as well to find out if we need to look into getting her into weekly therapy sessions.  I will hopefully have some answers to that problem soon.

Ryann is doing pretty much the same as always.  Since the last time I posted, she went to her Daddy Daughter Dance.  You can see pictures from that night here....

Grant is doing well.  He's been struggling with his allergies, so we are giving him medicine everyday and that seems to help at least a little.  He's also learned a couple of new words....thank goodness!  I was starting to think my boy would never speak!

My sister gave birth to Baby #4 on Thursday morning.  Miss Lyla Jane Davis joined our crazy family at 4:41am on February 16, 2012.  This time I was blessed enough to be able to be present.  It was a memory I'll always cherish.

I guess that's about it for now.  I'll try to do better about posting another update soon.


Sunday, January 29, 2012

The end of January

I can hardly believe that it's already the end of January.  We've been our normal busy this month.  School, work, etc.  The girls are both doing well in school.  They brought home their report cards last Friday and Ryann got all A's with the exception of one B (which I'm fine with) and Kamri got all A's, but got an "S" in citizenship instead of an "E".  She was disappointed when we told her that getting an "S" was the equivalent of getting a "B".  But, she's going to have to learn to control her actions and words when she's at school.  Not really any way around that!

Grant is still growing and learning new things everyday.  It's hard for me to believe that soon we'll be celebrating his second birthday.  Since I've gotten the Flip video camera, I try to capture those really cute things that the kids do.  Here's Grant's latest word that he's learned. 

This week hasn't held much out of the ordinary excitement for us.  The girls got a new movie that we're probably all going to watch tonight.  I'm starting the process of planning a wedding and have only had a couple of stress-induced freak out moments.  I'm sure there are plenty more to come, though.  So much to look forward to.  Heehee

That's about it for now.  I've got laundry calling my name and a closet that desperately needs to be cleaned out! 

Hope everyone has a great week!

Love to all,
Melony : )

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Right after the Christmas Holiday this past year, I came across this letter that Kamri wrote in school (I'm assuming before Christmas) while I was cleaning out her backpack.  I was literally moved to tears and didn't want to ever forget about it.  So I set it aside with the intention of posting about it here on our blog.  I'm so thankful for my thankful Kamri!

**** I'm thankful for my house and my family and for my God and Jesus.  I'm thankful for the lectronic that we have and I'm thankful for our veterams and what they did for us.  I'm thankful for our school to help us learn and be smart.  I'm thankful for the city God made for us he spent his time doing this for us.  Love, Kamri ****

Sunday, January 08, 2012

January 8th already???

I can't believe that we are already one full week into 2012.  But, the good news is that we are all well on our way to having things back to "normal" (whatever that is).  The kids started back to school on Monday the 2nd and Steve and I took that day to get the Christmas decorations taken down and the house cleaned since I was lucky enough to be off work.  It was a BUSY day!  And when I went to bed I was beyond exhausted......but quite frankly I was sick of looking at the wonderful Christmas "clutter" which before Christmas day I refer to as "decorations".  Why is it that every year once Christmas day is over, I'm suddenly very aware of how much new STUFF has come into my house and grappling with where to put it all?? 

Tuesday, however it was back to the "real world" for myself and Steve and school for the kiddos.  And to some it might sound sad, but I am pleased to announce that we had a very uneventful week.  After all the craziness of the holidays, a little boring family life is just what I need.....can I get an amen!

Today I've spent the majority of the day cleaning house and getting us further organized.  And although I'm extremely tired, it feels good to go to bed tonight and know that it's done.  Nothing life the feeling of accomplishing items on your to-do list and getting to cross them off

So, an update on my resolutions:  I have managed to take a few pictures this week to add to my Project 365 album.....however the batteries in my camera need to be replaced, so I haven't been able to transfer them to the computer.  I can feel myself slowly falling behind on this one.  I'm down another 2 pounds since last week......only about 16 more to go and I'll finally be at my goal weight!!!  I had a GREAT shopping trip yesterday.  I was able to get a little over $415 worth of products for $ overall savings of 75%.  And considering that I purchased enough meat to last my family most of this month that's a pretty impressive feat!  And probably the best part in my eyes, is that I was able to help a couple of family members and close friends get some items that they would have purchased anyway for a FRACTION of the cost!  I love helping other people save money!  And finally......I guess you could technically say that I'm being a "good" blogger since it's only been 7 days since my last post.  That's pretty amazing considering my track record.  LOL

I'm still working on getting our photos uploaded.  When you combine the dead camera with a ridiculously awful internet connection that is impossible to predict......I'm giving fair notice that this one might take me a while.  But I'll get started on it ASAP.

Now, off to make dinner, finish the laundry, make lunches for tomorrow, and get kiddos bathed and in bed.  Can't wait to sit down and watch some TV with my fiance (it still feels weird to say that while enjoying a nice cup of coffee tonight!  With Steve's work schedule, we rarely see each other on the weekends and definitely look forward to the ability to catch up on Sunday nights!

Hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Melony : )

PS:  I thought I would share one of my favorite photos that was taken during our Christmas, although this picture has nothing to do with the events of the past's worth sharing!