Living In His Blessings

And Praising Him Every Step of the Way

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

The search begins......

So, I went back to work today ~ only to discover that I no longer have a job. The specifics aren't really's just important to note that I am now unemployed. Yes, I'm okay.....I'm not HAPPY about this sudden development....but I'm okay. Or rather, I will be. But, I must say, this is not exactly how I would have chosen to start the new year!!!!

But, this post is being submitted as a request to all of my friends and family. I know that many of you are gainfully employed and you probably even know others who are as well. So, I need a job. Send out the word!!! I'm looking for something in the Dallas area. Definitely something administrative and good benefits wouldn't hurt either!!

Guess that's about it for now.....I'd better get back to job hunting. I no longer have time for frivolous things such as blogging. : )

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