Wednesday, October 17, 2007
ALSO, Ryann has learned how to tie her shoes!!!!!!!!!! This is HUGE!!! I mean, this is one of the milestones in life! Right up there with learning how to spell her own name and learning how to drive!!! And what's even more amazing is that we haven't even really worked on it very much.......she just picked it up so fast!!!
Those are the two biggest things so far this week for Ryann. I'll let you all know if she starts multiplying large numbers or reciting Shakespeare!! LOL!!
Melony & Ryann (Miss Smarty Pants)
Love ya!
Melony & Kamri
Saturday, October 06, 2007
October 2007
Along with all of the birthday parties, we'll be planning for Halloween and of course, starting to look ahead to the Thanksgiving/Christmas holidays. It's all going to be here SO fast!!! Before we know it we'll be ringing in a new year.
I'll also be starting a new job this week and of course with that comes a little bit of stress. However, I'm positive that it'll be less stress than I've been under with my CURRENT job. Everyone wish me luck with that endeavor.
Ryann's teacher came in to the restaurant last night to have dinner with her husband and I got an update on how's she doing. Mrs. West is still very impressed with her and comments frequently on how smart she is. The only problem that Ryann has in school (and may continue to have) is that she has to have everything perfect. Mrs. West said that she really enjoys doing her assignments, unlike most of the other kids in her class, and is always very eager to please by doing everything right. This does not surprise me at all. Ryann has always been a bit of a perfectionist. I only hope that she's eventually able to learn that she doesn't have to be perfect all of the time. Otherwise, she's going to have a life of disappointment.
Kamri started back to school this week as well. She's very very excited. She's enrolled at Kickin' Kids......the same school she was in this time last year. They called me to let me know that they finally had an opening for her class and of course I jumped on it!!! At this school she gets to go through pre-k curriculum, participate in gymnastics, and spend time with lots of other kids her age!! She loves it and I'm terribly happy that she's happy!!!
I think that's about it for now. Ryann's with her dad this weekend and I've been doing some cleaning this morning. Kamri and I also decorated the house with a few Halloween decorations. I'm excited for the time I can take them down and then soon after put up our Christmas tree and all of the other decorations we have for Christmas!!!!!
Hope everyone's weekend is fun!!!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
The latest.....
Ryann is doing extremely well in school. I spoke to her teacher just this morning about her progress. Mrs. West told me that she's been VERY impressed with how smart Ryann is. It's actually shocked her a little bit how advanced she is compared to the other kids in her class. I told her that I knew she was very smart but sometimes I wonder if it's just me being biased since she IS my child. She said that it was definitely NOT me being biased. Ryann's very intelligent. So, I'm a beaming mommy today!!! : )
Kamri is FINALLY back home. It was absolute hell trying to get her here......but I guess what's most important is that she's here. And we're all SO happy to have her back. She got to do a lot of fun stuff while she was gone but says that she's very excited to be back home. She missed her sister a lot. And she and I have been enjoying our one-on-one time today. Lots of hugs and kisses!!!!!!
Other than that I can't really think of anything else that's going on. I'm starting to look forward to the holidays and try to make some plans. Haven't started my Christmas shopping yet which, in my family, means I'm behind schedule!!!! LOL Guess I'll start working on that soon.
Hope everyone is doing well. Love from all of us to you!!
Melony, Ryann, & Kamri Jay
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Texas A&M 17, Miami 34

Gig Em and God Bless!
Melony : )
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Texas A&M 54, Louisiana - Monroe 14

Melony : )
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Texas A&M 49, Fresno State 47

It was an emotional day for all Aggies.....elation, fear, happiness, and a feeling that to me felt a little like a coronary. But, TAMU finally pulled it out in TRIPLE OVERTIME!!! I swear, by the end of the game I was so frustrated that I didn't even want to watch anymore!! Good thing the game ended when it did, I guess.
Regardless, the Ags are still undefeated this season and I sure hope their winning streak continues for several weeks to come!
Gig Em and God Bless
2007 School Year
Saturday, September 01, 2007
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Sometimes Mommys are stupid.........
Hope everyone else's day has gone a little more smoothly!
Love to all,
Mel : )
Sunday, August 19, 2007
So many changes.....
I guess that's about it for now. I'm sure there's more to tell......but I have to get to checking all of those emails I mentioned.
Hope everyone is doing well.
Love to all,
Melony Ryann & Kamri
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Holy Cow!!
We've been enjoying the summer so far. Since I no longer work during the day we're able to go to the pool and the park all the time. The girls love that!! They're both growing like little weeds. I haven't been able to take many pics lately so I'll have to work on that. As soon as I get some new ones I'll get them posted.
Until then, hope everyone is well. Sorry it's been so long....I'll try to do better. : )
Melony Ryann & Kamri
Sunday, April 08, 2007
Happy Easter!!!!
Easter this year started out nice. We all went to church together and then met up with the rest of the family at Jessica's house for the remainder of the afternoon. We enjoyed a HUGE lunch of smoked brisket & chicken with all the fixins. We all came home SO FULL!!!!
Melony : )
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
More to come!
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Look what I can do!!!
She wanted to let me know that she learned how to swing all by herself!!! With absolutely no help!! And look how high she can go!! Whoo-hoo!!
*New pics (okay some of them are really old) are up as check out our photo albums!!
Melony, Ryann, & Kamri : )
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
The reason....
But, regardless I wanted to let everyone know that we're still here....still chugging along.
Love to all,
Saturday, March 03, 2007
It's been a while.....
Other than that, not much has changed with the girls. They're still growing and learning and amazing me every day with what they pick up. I suspect that's not going to change anytime soon. I, however, have recently started dating someone who's very very special to me. Unfortunately, he had to board a plane to Iraq last night and may not get to come back home until October or later. So, I'm going to miss him terribly. Please remember him and all of the other troops in your daily prayers. They've said that sometimes the only thing that keeps them alive is the prayers that we send up. So.....keep 'em comin!!!
I've got to get some lunch ready for these girls and then we're all going to go out and enjoy the beautiful weather that we've been blessed with today.
Love to all,
Melony, Ryann, & Kamri
PS: I'm going to post some new pics on our new site.....check it out!
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Daddy Daughter Dance 2007

When she got home from the dance she called to tell me all about it. She told me that she got to dance with her daddy and eat a pretty pink cookie......and that there were LOTS of pretty girls there! I feel so happy for her!!! She had such a wonderful time! And to be honest with you, according to Courtney, her daddy was even more excited about the whole thing than she was!! She has such an awesome daddy!! And she is SO lucky to have him!! I'm sure this dance will become something that they'll both be able to look forward to every year!!

Look for more pics in our photo albums!! Hope everyone has a wonderful Valentine's Day!!
Melony : )
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
I was on TV!!!!

Sunday, February 04, 2007
It's FINALLY here!!
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Monday Night - Prison Break
For anyone who misses the show, you can watch it online. Just go to And you can watch the show on Fox on Demand.
I'll post again soon to let you all know the outcome!
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Family Update
We do have some good news to share. My sister, Jessica, is pregnant again!! This will be their second child and we're all SO excited!! If I remember correctly she's due at the end of August 2007. I'll keep you all posted!!I guess that's about it for now ~ ~ See, I told you, not much going on!
Love to all,
Melony, Ryann & Kamri
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Sleeping beauties......
This is Kamri's new "big girl bed".....she looks so tiny sleeping in it.
Believe it or not, it was completely dark in the house when I took these pictures.....even though it looks like it was daytime. : )
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Being an actress is SO cool!!!

Okay, back to the real world. I started the new job today.....and there are a lot of really nice people there as well. There really isn't much that I can say about this new job except that it should keep me busy. Hopefully.
Here are a couple of pics from the filming on can see the helicopter, the train, the police cars, the camera crew.....unfortunately I don't think you can actually see anyone, you'll just have to watch the show!! : )
Friday, January 05, 2007
In the midst of all of the horribleness!!
Hope everyone is doing well! Have a safe and fun weekend!!
Melony : )
Thursday, January 04, 2007
My record is still intact.
The first interview......yuck!
We'll see what comes of this interview. It went pretty well. The manager I talked with seemed to like me and some of the experience that I obtained at the previous job would be a big help at this one. But ~ I'm still looking for something more "dream job" like. So, keep your eyes and ears open for me......
Melony : )
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
The search begins......
But, this post is being submitted as a request to all of my friends and family. I know that many of you are gainfully employed and you probably even know others who are as well. So, I need a job. Send out the word!!! I'm looking for something in the Dallas area. Definitely something administrative and good benefits wouldn't hurt either!!
Guess that's about it for now.....I'd better get back to job hunting. I no longer have time for frivolous things such as blogging. : )